
about FROST

Frost is a company on a human scale.

Every aspect of the FROST business flows from the core belief that to respect and care for our fellow humans, and the world we inhabit, is to operate on a scale as close to human as possible.  

Amala makes all FROST blankets by hand; human scale means our annual editions offer exactly as many blankets as she can make in a year.

To be compassionate stewards of the world we practice sustainability in all areas: power, source materials, scale. We maintain direct relationships with the people and companies we do business with; prioritizing small-production, organic and/or sustainable vendors, and mission driven organizations.



The FROST studio lies within Amala’s historic home. The house was built in 1779 by Captain Charles Frost; a prevalent family name in the southern seacoast region of Maine. The original cape-style farmhouse was expanded in the early 19th century and modified again in 1890.

The most recent renovation occurred 100 years later, in the 1990’s; bringing the house up to a reasonable level of modern comfort and exposing the original hand-hewn chestnut beams. Wide pine flooring secured with hand-forged nails, and original doors and door knobs remain throughout the home.

Solar panels were added in 2017, providing all the electricity needs for the home and studio.

Originally situated on 37.5 acres, the home now sits on 3 acres which provide ample space for Amala’s honey bees, fruit trees and herb, vegetable and flower gardens.

She views herself as the current steward of this land and the home that has stood on it for almost 250 years. Naming her company after it seemed like a fitting tribute.